Why use us?

What our clients want from us are proactive solutions, clear direction and above all protection. By utilising our services we aim to enable, empower and advise them by putting the control back in their hands.

We appreciate just how demanding HR work can be. Many of our clients have neither the time nor expert in depth knowledge to keep on top of the ever changing laws, let alone effectively manage the draw on resources when navigating solutions for employees trying to abuse the system.

Our packages and vouchers are a unique, cost effective alternative to using a solicitor or other (non hands on) service providers. Our specialised team of consultants are on hand around the clock to help prevent and resolve all your employment needs and all of our advice is indemnified. We can cover the costs of an Employment Tribunal and the award up to £50,000.

ERAS will provide all of the research, documentation, advice and management of any HR employment matter your business requires. Each case or project we deal with comes complete with staged reports. These reports detail all of the issues, actions, liabilities, advice and recommendations in a clear and concise format that makes understanding the problem and the way forward a much simpler process.

The two key factors our clients say are the main reason for them undertaking our services is our unequivocal expertise and confidentially. Almost all of our new clients are generated by referrals from our satisfied customers.

So what have YOU got to lose?

Employment tribunals cost businesses £1.6bn last year as a “lack of understanding” forced one in five organisations to settle out of court.

With ACAS predicting that discrimination claims are set to rise by 38% this year alone, this is what your company stands to lose*:

● £25,000 – maximum award for Breach of Contract

● £9,000 – average cost of losing an Employment Tribunal

● £7,974 – average award for Unfair Dismissal (plus damages of up to £60,600)

● £7,000 – average cost of defending an Employment Tribunal

● Unlimited – awards for Discrimination (race, religion, sexual, disability, sexual orientation, Trade Union membership, age) average award is £15,059

You also need to take into account the damage such claims make to your reputation and the costs incurred by senior management taking time off work to attend the hearings (7 day average for senior management). Contact us.

Fully authorised & qualified in UK Employment Law.
Fully authorised & qualified in UK Employment Law.
Fully authorised & qualified in UK Employment Law.
ERAS are a claims management company, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.